[Dan Scholnick and Aimee Ando in their just-completed Kensington loft -- a rare opportunity to utilize photography in my work.]
the crimes that are mine
Maybe it's the early winter sunset. I've been undeniably blog-lazy of late. But that stops tonight! I'm back with a new Google Docs function. This month I'm linking select posts to pre-edited drafts. I have a few misgivings. Chief among them, the world will see the idiotic mistakes I make before my editor has a chance to catch them. However, more and more I find myself sharing the pre-edited material with subjects. To my surprise, I find that people often enjoy the director's cut. Plus, for artists, it provides an opportunity to experience more detailed writing about their craft. I have to expect that everything and anything I send to an editor will find its way into print. So what's wrong with posting it here? We'll see.

Started work for a new section of the paper -- real estate. How does a lifelong renter get the real estate gig? Same as a perpetual freelancer for the careers section. Practice. Practice. Practice.
I couldn't have asked for two better subjects to kick this thing off. Dan and Aimee sat more-than-patiently for the camera until I finally settled on a usable image. And Chris Kleinberg and I philosophized over coffee for two hours after our interview. I think I finally met my argumentative match. Chris and his wife, Nikki, founded Cambria House four years ago. It's a beautiful, friendly, intentional community in North Philadelphia. The world needs more people who think and give as they do.
Cambria House ran Jan. 27
Dan Scholnick ran earlier in the month
pre-edit draft
Wig out
Wear Your Wig To Work Day was January 29th in Philadelphia. Dancer Gabrielle Revlock has been promoting this beautiful concept since 2002. We had a great chat at the Last Drop Cafe, where I received an official Wig Day button. I'm accused of wearing a wig everyday, so I just went as is.
Ran on Jan 27, Phila Metro

when you're not home
Really fell for Sean Taylor's paintings this month. He juxtaposes American power with our quaint perceptions so well. Great interview. Love it when artists can resist the temptation to self-sensor.
Ran at some point in January, I think
cooking and writing
A happy hour drink with Blood Feathers was among my favorite workday moments in last couple months. They're the first band to be signed by the new Philebrity label. I think we were able to bond around the day-in, day-out process of making time for writing. They're songwriters. But it's the same process, I think. Pretty much. [Photo by Matt King]
Almost sure this ran on Jan 15, Phila. Metro
Jeff McNeil -- AKA Thee Phantom -- has his act together. When I initially contacted him, I thought I was dealing with an agent. He was just so professional.
I enjoyed his mash-up of the Beasties and Bethoven.
Ran at some in December, Phila. Metro
pre-edit draft
I'm not Prig-y
What fun to talk about Shakespeare on film with local film-crazy-encyclopedic-mind critic, Matt Prigge. His #1 all-time, Orson Welles' "Othello."
Ran in January, I hope. Phila Metro
pre-edit draft
straight drugs
Finally got to to do a piece on theater director, David O'Connor. I've been a fan since his production of "One Flea Spare" a few years ago. He was working on "Peter Pan" for the Arden.
"Peter Pan" is all about drugs. I'm convinced.
Ran at some point in December, Phia. Metro
Other recent arts and entertainment features include: jazz composer and tenor sax-man, Tim Warfeild; "The Threshing Floor," a solo-play by James Ijames about James Baldwin (say that three times fast); "Riffing On the President's House," a new dance/jazz piece with composer Bobby Zankel; yet another interview with local "Top Chef," Jennifer Carroll.
And I finally got to ask Bruce Warren why there's no local hip-hop on WXPN. "Because our listeners really don't like hip-hop." Take it or leave it. Anyone want to start a letter writing campaign?
Also came to the end of the many, many trade-degree assignments. I had a blast talking shop with local mechanic, Nick Schummer. Great guy. Lousy quizzo etiquette. (I know him from the corner bar.) [Photo by Justin Geller]
Other education pieces in recent memory include: MSW in social work, paralegals, class-capture technology, and student-teacher relationships.
These pieces used to run on Mondays, but now I guess its Wednesdays, maybe.
gold of the Golden Nugget
Oh, and I wrote a travel piece on Las Vegas... AND I ACTUALLY GOT TO GO TO VEGAS. But more on that next time. It's way complicated. The photo I took here is one of the last things I remember. (Damn the movies for stealing my experiences.)
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