The Leonard Cohen show was moved to the Tower Theatre by Live Nation. Fascists. I was subsequently priced out of tickets. Tried to pull some strings, and discovered that I have no strings. I did, however, come up with a fun way to highlight the big Cohen show in the Metro. I asked local musicians to share their first Cohen experience. I know mine: my father put a cassette of "The Future" into our Pontiac Grand Am on the way to a soccer tournament in Boston. We were driving over the George Washington Bridge into New York City. The music was somehow a seamless match to the landscape. Ran last Wednesday in the Philadelphia Metro
Last week I discovered a little feature on the Philadelphia Mural Arts Program. They created a special bus tour for the deaf with a non-profit called Art-Reach. I had to hold back my own experience as a tour guide to write this one. Keep it positive.

Metro is now behind on my education series. Two weeks ago I gave them one on criminal justice degrees. Tough to write, since a number sources had strong feelings against the degree. Scheduled to run on Monday in Boston, NYC and Philly Metros

Finally, last week I did a piece on digital video production. Here's what I learned: you don't need a degree in digital video production to work in digital video production. Scheduled to run on Nov. 9 in Boston, NYC and Philly Metros
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