Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Rehearsal #7

Alright, so I wasn't actually at "Rehearsal #7." But I did do a fair amount of fretting about the play while at work. That's pretty much all I do at rehearsal anyway, so I figure everybody's happy. So here, then, is a top ten I thought up at work, while waiting on images from the Museum of Art. (The Cezanne thing looks cool. You should totally go.)


1. Typing works fingers not abs
2. People always approaching you with “totally awesome” ideas for plays
3. Talk backs
4. Audiences always ask for more “sass-walk” at talk backs
5. Theater industry peaked in 1895... in Russia
6. Kinko's customer service has gone down hill
7. Sometimes co-workers refer to you as “Playwright-er”
8. People hate theater
9. Lavish lifestyle can isolate one from peers
10.No event category for plays on Myspace

This is me fretting at a rehearsal on March 14. It looks pretty much the same at work.

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