DUE MAY 28: The collaborative theater experiments of Adrienne Mackey -- Phila. Metro
Director Adrienne Mackey's latest, "SURVIVE!," is a choose-your-own-adventure, delving into the mysteries of math, science and experimental theater. She's a busy lady. She ordered a Wawa hoagie during the phone interview, and apologized profusely for it. But don't we all do our best thinking while waiting on a hoagie?
[Image: Bradley Wren in "SURVIVE!" Photo by Adrienne Mackey.]
DUE MAY 26: If you only read four books... an unscientific poll of professors -- Metro Newspapers
A lot of responses on this one, and a fun list to put together. But, as it turns out, you get weird, uneven results if you do a list like this strictly by counting votes. Check it out:
1. "Origin Of Species" (Yeah, should have seen that coming.)
2. "In Cold Blood" (Big with the criminal justice types.)
3. "Heart Breaking Work of Staggering Genius" (Don't get this one on an "only four books" list.)
4. "The Grapes of Wrath" (Okay, I get this one.)
DUE MAY 25: Kensington teenagers create theater. Life, death, addiction, violence, love and joy are all on the table -- Phila. Metro
I hear these kids were poaching as many copies as they could from the courtesy boxes. Go for it! Now link arms and sit in the Metro/Inquirer's offices until they start writing about child poverty on a daily basis.
DUE MAY 20: Smart phones in the classroom -- Metro Newspapers
Surprised to find that some profs are all for it -- a method of instant collaborative research. But other profs take a full grade off for just one ring in the classroom. If only that were the case in live theater.
DUE MAY 17: The DIY bawdy spirit of Cecilia Corrigan's theater -- Phila. Metro
So cruel to ask a playwright to discuss her work just minutes after the VERY FIRST SHOWING. Her parents were longing for hugs, but a features writer has a heart of ice in those moments. There is much joy to be discovered in the angelic goofiness inherent in live theater, far apart from the clever sheen of professionalism. Cecilia revels in that fact. But don't be fooled. There's a delicate, measured voice developing under all of this brash fun.
[Photo by Lily Benson]
DUE MAY 12: Summer learning loss -- Metro Newspapers
Studies show that kids forget stuff.
DUE MAY 7: Playwright Katherine Clark Gray and the psychology of cheating -- Phila. Metro
The child of two Syracuse University professors, Katie never even considered that someone might hire a professional to write a term paper. When she met a pro paper-writer while living in New York, she knew what her next play would be about.
[Photo by Jason Bachman]

At 89 Jacqueline is still chasing the carrot of a perfectly actualized painting -- the flawless fusion of color, composition and the woman holding the brush. Her cat had an upset stomach during the interview and made some abstract expressionism all over the carpet. But that didn't stop me from getting my questions answered!
[Image: "Spreading the Blues" by Jacqueline Cotter, provided by the Rosenfeld Gallery.]
DUE MAY 5: Brian Dwyer and his pizza art spectacular -- Phila. Metro
It started as a joke -- an all pizza themed gallery art show. But talk to Brian Dwyer for two minutes and you discover just how serious he is about jokes.
[Image: Pizza art by Brian Dwyer]
DUE MAY 5: 15 minute study breaks... RELAX! -- Metro Newspapers
Science seems to suggest that sitting quietly for 15 minutes a day can do you a world of good. Well, duh.
DUE MAY 2: Letter to the audience, "William Weathersby" -- Theatre Exile
I'm trying to do a better job of being accountable to what I write in a play. I asked director Brenna Geffers to fire off any question she pleased at me, and I answered them as best I could in a letter to the audience. Go ahead: blindfold and a last cigarette please. I'm ready to answer for what I have written.
DUE MAY 1: Final "William Weathersby" workshop draft -- Theatre Exile
Not so final. I cut like six pages in the rehearsal.